
Posts Tagged ‘To stand in the gap’

Ever been on top of the pile? King of the mountain? Doing a good job, recognized by those in authority over you for your hard work and accomplishments? Then your entire team falls apart?

That’s exactly where Moses found himself in Exodus 32:11-14.

God called an unwilling, adopted, fugitive from Egypt to lead His rescue plan. Day by day, God’s power flowed through him, and he fell in stride alongside the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, leading this enormous multitude of Israelites across the desert to Mt. Sinai, and God protected them by the strength of His hand.

At the foot of Mt. Sinai God called Moses to the top floor of  His executive suite for a meeting with the Creator and CEO of the Universe.

The meeting? Long and eventful for Moses. Not so much for the multitude beneath the cloud line. Moses’ team fell apart in his absence and God was angry. So angry He determined to wipe out the entire nation and begin again with Moses.

But Moses chose to stand in the breach for his people before Almighty God without giving one moment’s consideration to the promotion offered.

What would you have done?

God could have changed His mind and zapped Moses too.

This man, so fearful at the beginning of the journey, had seen the power of God and knew he might suffer the consequences of His wrath, but chose to plead for the lives of his insolent, rebellious people. Moses had come to know the Lord God Almighty and the power and witness of His great name.

Are you willing to take up the mantle Christ has given you and plead for those who have turned their back on God? Do you know God well enough to stand in the breach before Him for the people and nation of America? Are you willing to consider all Americans worth saving? Worth the emotional and physical deluge it will take to intercede and shield them from the anger and judgment of a righteous God—despite the possible consequences?

That’s what Jesus did for you and me. Can we do less?

When God looked over Jerusalem in 591 B.C., to find a man who would build up the wall and stand in the gap for His land and His people so that He would not destroy them—He found no man (Ezekiel 22:30).

So what do you think God sees when He searches the hearts and minds of His people in the United States of America today?

Are you on praying ground?  Will you stand in lock step with the principles and precepts of the Word of God? Jesus says if we believe in Him we can ask in His name, according to His will, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son, and know that He will do it (John 14:12-15). Or are you ready to throw rebellious Americans who don’t know Jesus, or who mock Him, under the bus by asking God to judge them. Are you ready to endure the fire with them?

How is your own refining/transformation process coming? Ezekiel 23 tells usJerusalem was burned because of lewdness. Know what that means? Indecent, vile, vulgar, unprincipled, base, obscene. God will not tolerate lewdness. Does America have a reason to cringe? You bet. How are you allowing your teens to dress? Especially your girls? Like harlots?

How do your business dealings line up with the Word of God? And  relationships with your neighbors, do they know you love Jesus by the way you love them?

Does anything have a grip on your life? Anything that hides in the dark corners of your heart, that no one sees but God? Are you willing to let these idols go? God is willing to cleanse every sin and give each one of us the strength to become repairers of the wall of His principles and precepts. A wall that is being ripped apart and trampled underfoot.

Is it too late for America? God says the shedding of innocent blood pollutes our land. Our only hope is for God to raise up men and women to repair the gaping holes in this wall. Holes that have eroded the foundations of  our faith and trust in the Lord God Almighty and His Son Jesus Christ. Holes that have made it legal to kill millions of innocent babies and call it good. And holes that have perverted God’s word about marriage. God said marriage is the union between one man and one woman. And He blessed that union.

Dear believer, let your voice be heard. Don’t be deceived into thinking you can abstain from taking a stand in this battle. God said if you’re not for Him, you’re against Him. Please don’t bury your head in the sand.

Ezekiel 24 describes the boiling pot of God’s judgment and how Jerusalem suffered in that rusty pot of boiling water that melted them in order to cleanse the land. Will that pot be our choice or will we choose the Refiner’s fire?

Are you willing to stand for the complete Truth of God in front of those you work with, your friends, and all those God brings into your sphere of influence so that when they hear you—they hear God’s words. When they see you—they see a true image of the love of Jesus Christ.

Are you willing to build the wall and stand in the gap to plead with God to spare this nation—one more time?


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